Support Professionals and Students in the
Field of Developmental Disabilities

Journal on Developmental Disabilities

The Journal on Developmental Disabilities is a peer-reviewed journal with a growing regional and international readership.

Volume 11, Number 1 – Families of Individuals with DD


A Model of Stress in Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Clinical and Research Applications
Adrienne Perry

Family Environments and Family Harmony: An exploration across Severity, Age, and Type of DD
Adrienne Perry, Kimberly Harris, and Patricia Minnes

Family Adaptation, Coping and Resources: Parents Of Children With Developmental Disabilities and Behaviour Problems
Jessica Jones and Jennifer Passey

Well-being in Aging Parents: Caring for an Adult with a Developmental Disability
Patricia Minnes and Lynn Woodford

Empowerment and Families: Building Bridges between Parents and Professionals, Theory and Research
Jennifer S. Nachshen

A Sibling Support Group for Brothers and Sisters of Children with Autism
Tara Smith and Adrienne Perry


Reviews - Websites

Families and Developmental Disability Online resources for parents, professionals and researchers
Helen E. Penn


Reviews - Books

Families and Positive Behavior Support: Addressing Problem Behavior in Family Contexts by Joseph M. Lucyshyn, Glen Dunlap and Richard W. Allen
E. Alice Prichard
