Support Professionals and Students in the
Field of Developmental Disabilities



The Developmental Services Special Interest Group of OADD has been working to professionalize DSPs for over 10 years. Click the link for more details regarding:

  • DSW Code of Ethics
  • Standards of Practice
  • other documents


Registration is open for OADD members only until August 30th!

Hybrid event November 6th & 7th 2024

Click here to view the program

Streams will be:

  • Trauma informed Care
  • Mental Health & Addictions
  • ALC – discharge to the community
OADD Research Group (RSIG)

OADD Research Group (RSIG)

The OADD Research Group brings together the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities (OADD) and the Research Special Interest Group (RSIG).


Click here for more information

the-ontario-association-on-development-disabilitiesThe Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities

OADD is a professional organization of people working and studying in the field of developmental disabilities, throughout Ontario. OADD’s members include agencies and organizations; university and community college students and instructors; service provider direct care staff and managers; family support workers; case managers; psychologists; social workers; and other dedicated individuals.

What's New

New Events Calendar

Looking for the date or more information about an event? Click the Events link at the top of the Home page for information or

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4th Edition Textbook

Developmental Disabilities in Ontario - 4th edition ISBN: 978-1-7771637-0-9 is now available click here to order copies For a

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