OADD By-Laws

The By-laws of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Changes if needed are presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting. Questions about the By-laws should be directed to the OADD Membership Chair via the OADD office at: oadd@oadd.org or 416-429-3720

At the 2024 OADD Annual General Meeting the Membership approved changes to the by-laws to comply with ONCA regulations.

OADD Bylaw Changes – Summary of Changes

To ensure compliance with the Ontario Not-for Profit Corporations Act (ONCA), which will be mandatory effective October 18th, 2024, the OADD Board hired Anna Naud of True North Law to review and revise the existing bylaws.

Below is a summary of the changes and additions; copies of the draft 2023 and existing 2021 bylaws can be downloaded from the OADD website.

Substantive changes (per Anna Naud)

  • Memberships are now classes as “Individual” or “organizational”. This provides definitions and flexibility regarding voting (weighting of votes can be changed by board policy) but states that each organization has only one representative.
  • Removes the option for Board votes by email; votes outside of meetings must be done by resolutions and are only valid when the resolution is signed by all board members. Anna suggested purchasing software like DocuSign for resolutions
  • 1/3 the number of directors elected at the last election can be appointed before the next election
  • Items referencing employees were removed
  • Committee details were removed (should be addressed in policy) and Anna noted that a governance committee is no longer required
  • All committee must have a clear Terms of Reference
  • Removed details for elections (address in policy)
  • Signing authority policy is required by bylaw
  • Added dispute resolution (not ONCA just good governance)
  • Added audit policy

To download a copy of the approved 2024 OADD By-laws 2024 OADD Bylaws April