JoDD Article Submission

Please note: At this time we are not accepting any new submissions to the Journal on Developmental Disabilities.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Check back here for updates and changes.

The Journal on Developmental Disabilities (JoDD) publishes original scholarly work pertaining to the field of developmental disabilities. The goal is to publish articles that increase our knowledge, encourage debate and have the potential to improve services.

Each issue features a selection of research, conceptual, informational, and editorial papers. An issue may have a central theme. Reviews of relevant books, movies, websites, software, and other resources are welcomed, as are letters to the editor. In this way we strive to collectively enrich our understanding of issues, encourage stimulating debate among those working in the field, and improve services.

Various works are acceptable, including: (a) original data-based research; (b) program evaluation; (c) qualitative evaluations; (d) program, service, and innovative practice descriptions; (e) literature reviews; (f) discussion papers; (g) conceptual and theoretical papers; (h) policy analysis, (i) case studies; (j) brief reports; and (k) resource reviews (e.g., books, movies, websites, and software related to developmental disabilities).

Beginning with the 2011 issues, the Journal on Developmental Disabilities will include, for each article published, brief information (up to 100 words) in a box following the manuscript that gives simple, plain-language key messages for People with disabilities, Professionals, and Policy makers (examples are provided below).

Submissions are invited in either French or English and, if accepted, will be printed in the language of submission.


Manuscripts must be submitted using the web-based MS Tracker system, which can be accessed through the following link: We are not accepting new submissions at this time. 

You will receive a confirmation email once your submission has been accessed by the journal staff. If you are not contacted within one week or have a question about a previously submitted manuscript, please contact the OADD office at

Each submission must include the following three documents: (1) cover letter; (2) abstract; and (3) manuscript. Failure to include each of these documents, or to present all requested information in the required format may prevent your manuscript from being processed.

Please take the time to review some of the different types of published articles on our website. For examples of some of the article types see links below:

Cover letter
Please download and fill out the Manuscript Cover letter form (click here). All co-authors should have read and approved the submission (see cover letter) and if the lead author is a student the name and email address of the author’s academic supervisor must be  included to confirm that the supervisor has approved the submission.

If you have any questions about the requested information please contact

The abstract must:

  • include the title;
  • be double-spaced, with 1″ margins around;
  • be no longer than 200 words (no more than 100 words for Brief Reports); and
  • not contain any of the author’s identifying information.

A list of three to five keywords must also be provided.

The manuscript must:

  • be in Word .docx or .doc (remove track changes)
  • include the title and if possible a suggested running title;
  • be double-spaced, with 1″ margins around (including tables and references);
  • Include the following headings, centered and in the specified order:
    • Introduction
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Acknowledgments
    • Key Messages
      • Each article must include brief key messages (up to 100 words) written in simple, plain language for people with disabilities, professionals, and policy makers. Where authors deem it not possible to provide a key message for each of the three, at least two should be provided. An example is given below. Key Messages From This Article
        People with disabilities: You deserve to be accepted by everyone around you, and to enjoy what other people enjoy. But you also have to make sure you feel safe.
        Professionals: Helping people with disabilities to be more socially included must include a careful reading of how safe and accepting the new environment will be.
        Policy makers: Policy to promote safety and positive attitudes toward people with disabilities is necessary, in some cases, for social inclusion to be successful.
    •  References
      • The references must be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition;
    • Tables
      • Tables must be numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text. The approximate location of the table must be provided in the text.
      • Each table should appear on a separate page following the references.
      • A brief title must be provided for each table.
    • Figures
      • Figures must be numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text. The approximate location of the figure must be provided in the text.
      • Each figure should appear on a separate page following the references.
      • A brief title must be provided for each figure.
  • be limited to 3,000 words  Brief Reports can be up to 1500 words;
    • Notes:
      • The word count does not include key messages, references, tables, and figures;
      • Manuscripts that exceed the recommended word count will be considered for publication on a case-by-case basis. The author should contact the Editor prior to submission; otherwise, the manuscript will be returned to the author for failure to adhere to guidelines.
  • include information about approval from an accredited Research Ethics Board;
  • be free of any gender, ethnic, and ability bias;
  • use people-first language (e.g., persons with developmental disabilities) in the text, figures, and tables;
  • use the non-possessive form in eponyms  – for example Down Syndrome (not Down’s Syndrome), Asperger (not Asperger’s);
  • not use footnotes; and
  • not contain any of the author’s identifying information. Do not include acknowledgments in the manuscript if this allows for identification of the authors.

If accepted for publication, manuscripts will undergo copyediting prior to printing. Any substantive changes will be cleared by the author before publication.


Each submission will undergo a peer review by two or more reviewers with relevant expertise. The authors of the manuscripts will not be identified to the reviewers (i.e., is a blind review process). The reviewers will recommend for or against publication and provide their reasons. Reviewers are asked to judge the manuscript on several criteria including its contribution to increasing our knowledge and clarity of communication. The reviewers are asked to write in a positive and constructive manner to help the authors improve their work, if necessary.

Every effort will be made to ensure that reviews will be completed in a timely manner, and it is expected that reviews will be completed within a 2-month period.


The Editor-in-Chief, or guest editor, reserves the final decision regarding publication of a manuscript. To promote the publication of theme issues, the Editor reserves the right to decide in which issue to publish the article if it has been accepted.


Manuscripts should not be submitted if previously published elsewhere or under review unless explicitly requested by the Editor. Once published, the article becomes the property of OADD. If an author wishes to re-publish materials originally published in the Journal on Developmental Disabilities (JoDD), written permission is required from OADD. To re-publish previously published material in this journal, written permission must be obtained from the person or organization holding the copyright to the original material.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities / L’association ontarienne sur les handicaps du developpement.


For information about membership, journal subscription, and individual issue purchases, please contact:
The Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities/L’association ontarienne sur les handicaps du developpement
2 Surrey Place
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2C2
Telephone: (416) 429-3720
Fax: (647) 260-2016