RSIG Awards
RSIG supports student research through the following Conference Day Awards:
Poster Awards
- 1st place poster award – $150
- 2nd place poster award – $100
- People’s Choice poster award – $100
All abstracts submitted for a poster presentation (or not accepted for an oral presentation) by a student will be considered for the poster award. Posters will be evaluated anonymously (i.e. identifiers removed) using the abstract review guidelines to select the top 5 student posters. Poster award finalists for the 1st and 2nd prizes will be informed of their nomination in their acceptance letters. On the day of the conference, the RSIG conference committee will ask the finalists to discuss their poster (maximum of 2 minutes) and the judges will rate the presentation of the posters including the visual presentation of the poster (e.g., how does the poster look? Is it a clear, comprehensive, readable poster?). The recipient of the 1st place poster award will be presented with a certificate as well as a $150 prize at the end of the conference day. The first place winner will also be given the opportunity to speak for 5 minutes about their research. The 2nd place winner will receive a $100 prize.
We will also be awarding a “People’s Choice” poster award. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to vote on their favourite poster. The winner will receive a $100 prize, to be awarded during the awards ceremony of the conference.
Student Award for Excellence in Research
The OADD RSIG Student Award for Excellence in Research is awarded annually to one student who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of developmental disabilities through an innovative and novel piece of research. The award recipient will receive $250, a waiver of the OADD RSIG conference registration fees and have the opportunity to give an invited address (15 minute presentation) during the OADD Research Special Interest Group Research Day. Lastly, the award recipient will be warmly encouraged to submit their research to the Journal on Developmental Disabilities (JoDD) for publication. JoDD is the only academic journal published in Canada in the field of intellectual/developmental disabilities and highlights Canadian trends and research.
Follow the link to download the awards nomination form
This award is open to part-time or full-time students who:
- Are either currently or within the previous calendar year were enrolled in a college or university from any discipline (e.g., Nursing, Education, Psychology, Behavioural Science, etc.).
- Are an OADD member in good standing. Students who are not members must become one when submitting the nomination and supporting materials. Please note the fee for General membership in OADD is $10 per year.
- Have produced a piece of research in any discipline that has relevance for individuals with developmental disabilities. This piece of research can include a major research paper, project, or thesis. The nominee must be recognized as the principal researcher and/or first author.
- Are able to give an invited address or poster presentation during the O.A.D.D. Research Special Interest Group Research Day.
Nomination Form and Supporting Materials
- Completed nomination form.Candidates for the award may be nominated by an individual that is a member of O.A.D.D. in good standing. Self-nominations are also welcome.
Each applicant must also submit:
- A letter of support (maximum 1 page) from a professional familiar with the nominee’s research. This letter should indicate that this student was the principal investigator and include reasons why their research is deserving of this award (e.g., innovative, novel, sound research practice, etc.).
- A description of this piece of research (completed by nominee). This description must address the following: The purpose, research questions and/or hypotheses.
- A brief description of the participants and research design.
- A summary of the key research findings. The contribution and implications of this research for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities
RSIG Travel Awards
The 2022 RSIG Seminar day will be virtual so there will be no travel awards for 2022. Check back for new 2023 travel awards